
PAT-A 真题 – 1132 Cut Integer

Cutting an integer means to cut a K digits lone integer Z into two integers of (K/2) digits long integers A and B. For example, after cutting Z = 167334, we have A = 167 and B = 334. It is interesting to see that Z can be devided ...
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PAT-A 真题 – 1134 Vertex Cover

A vertex cover of a graph is a set of vertices such that each edge of the graph is incident to at least one vertex of the set. Now given a graph with several vertex sets, you are supposed to tell if each of them is a ve ...
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PAT-A 真题 – 1135 Is It A Red-Black Tree

There is a kind of balanced binary search tree named red-black tree in the data structure. It has the following 5 properties:(1) Every node is either red or black.(2) The root is black.(3) Every leaf (NULL) is black.(4) ...
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